Fundamentals of healthy living: Exercise

I spend more time these days writing prescriptions for … exercise.

Studies show, spending most of your day sitting may be worse for your health than smoking. This is true regardless of genetics, body shape, or whether or not a person already has other illnesses. Making exercise a habit will not only reduce the risk and impact of chronic disease and cancer, it will also reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and overall inflammation in the body. Exercise improves cognitive function, sleep and mood in both the young and the old.

People who move around, who enjoy an active lifestyle are more likely to live and age more gracefully.

Chances are, 1 in 4 people will live into their 90s. And as we age, we lose muscle mass, our joints stiffen, our eyesight and hearing go. And the onset of frailty, or the loss of our body’s natural reserve as we age, leaves us vulnerable to sudden dramatic outcomes from seemingly minor events such as a simple treatable infection, a change in medication, or even a change in environment.

Regular exercise and the strength gained from exercise reduces the odds of frailty.

When writing an exercise prescription, I’m very specific. I set goals around frequency, intensity, minutes per session and types of exercise. I tell them what they’re aiming for. And then, I follow up.

The pandemic has disrupted all of our routines. Everyone is tired. Motivation to exercise is understandably at an all time low.

So I tell people, start with what is achievable. If they are unused to any type of regular exercise, I recommend  they start with 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 or 20 minutes of exercise and then adding a minute every week. I suggest walking to start. I move up to bodyweight resistance training and more vigorous aerobic exercise. And then move up from there, citing specific resources for more info.

For those who used to exercise regularly and now no longer are, my job turns to motivation and problem-solving around the barriers to resuming activity.

Becoming strong of mind and strong of body is well worth the time and effort. So set a goal, and then get up and move.